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Dental Implants

Dental implants are an effective and popular way to replace missing teeth and are an excellent long term option for restoring and improving your smile.

If you have missing teeth, wear dentures that are uncomfortable, dental implants maybe an option for you. Dental implants look, feel and function like natural teeth, enhancing and improving your smile in every way.

What steps involved in a dental implant procedure? There are two steps to a dental implant procedure.

Step 1 – Placing the implant

During the first phase, a titanium implant is placed into the jawbone. This resembles the tooth root. Once the implant is securely in place, we will allow three to six months for the implant to fuse with the jawbone.

Step 2 – Abutment and crown

Once the healing process if complete, we will place a small connector post, an abutment, to the top of the implant. This will help to hold your new crown in place.

After this, the dentist will take impressions to fabricate your new crown. Once ready the crown will be fixed to the abutment.

Although it is common to experience slight discomfort and swelling with the implant procedure most patients are surprised at how pain free the procedure is.

For Dental Implants in Pakenham, Officer, Beaconsfield and Berwick, book now for a consultation.